Clearing the presents through biosecurity
South Georgia was declared rat free in 2018, and the government takes biosecurity very seriously. This includes rodents, but also invasive plants. Everything that comes onto the island has to be checked for rats, mice, insects, seeds or other organic material. So all our field gear and personal items were moved into the biosecurity shed, unpacked, vacuumed and inspected (see picture of Cath and her giant tardigrade toy below).

The festivities
On Christmas Eve, we were invited over to Everson House to join in their excellent pub quiz evening. On Christmas day, we had a morning at Discovery House. Around midday, we headed over to the Penguin Pizza bar for home-made pizzas in an impressive home-made oven and BBQ. Later in the day we headed over to Shackleton’s grave to have a dram with the boss, and settled back into Discovery House to watch some movies. It was a very relaxing Christmas day in our home for the season.

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